Marine Beacon was recently featured in a EuroNews segment examining the role of AI-powered smart trawl technology in reducing bycatch and supporting sustainable fishing practices. The feature explored how new technological innovations...
The Marine Stewardship Council this month awarded a £5,000 Ocean Stewardship Fund Student Research Grant to Mishel Rañada for her master’s thesis using smartphone technology to better understand PETS encountered in a...
Marine Beacon has featured alongside its sister project CIBBRiNA in June’s edition of the Rederscentrale newsletter, a Dutch-language publication with extensive distribution within the Belgian fishery fleet. The Belgian fisheries representative organisation...
Brussels – Comic Arts Museum, Rue des Sables 20, 1000 Brussels A landmark event endorsed by the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Strategic Navigation Forum is set...
A major new European project will improve our understanding of how the bycatch of fisheries impacts protected, endangered and threatened species (PETS) in the Atlantic Ocean and develop methods for better monitoring...
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